Mind’s Secrets – 6
Art of Mind Picturing
have seen that we all possess more power and greater possibilities than we
realize, and visualizing is the quick way to realize these powers. The same
power that brought universe into existence will bring our individual thought or
mental picture into physical form. In working out our mental picture, Universe transfers
its creative energy to our mind and works in the same unfailing manner.
in the whole world has its beginning in mind and comes into existence in
exactly the same manner. All are projected thoughts, solidified. The power that
brought us into existence did so for the purpose of expressing its limitless
supply through us. And there was no
power on earth which could cut us off from our source except ourselves.
you can understand what Jesus meant when he said, “Ask and ye shall receive.” Your every requirement would be met. Surely
the Father must supply the child. Before you can entertain the idea of making a
mental picture of your desire as being at all practical, you must have some
idea of your being. Remember that your being, your individuality, is God
particularizing Himself. As long as you are not thinking and acting against
God’s laws you can not fail.
you have to do is to make such a mental picture of your heart’s desire, and
hold it cheerfully in place with your will, always conscious that the same
Infinite Power which brought the universe into existence brought you into form
for the purpose of enjoying Itself in and through you.
your desire is for excellence in a field, or a possession, large or small,
begin at the beginning. If you want a house, begin by seeing yourself in the
kind of house you desire. Go through it with all minute details as help you to
feel the reality of your picture. Go over your picture again and again, until
you feel the reality of it.
is an art gallery of many pictures, but only the most prominent are selected
for models in thought creation. Only those pictures that are sufficiently
distinct to be seen by consciousness without special effort are brought before
the creative energies as patterns. So when
you are visualizing the mental pictures there should not be any stressful or
abnormal effort to hold your thought-forms in place. That will defeat your
purpose and suggest the consciousness about an adverse force to be fought
against, and this creates conditions adverse to your picture. By holding your
picture in a cheerful frame of mind, you shut out all thoughts that would disperse
or dissipate the spiritual nucleus of your picture. Because the law is Creative
in its action, your pictured desire is certain of accomplishment.
most important thing to remember in visualizing is that you are making a mental
picture for the purpose of determining the quality you are giving to the cosmic
mind rather than to arrange the specific circumstances for its manifestation.
That is the work of Creative Power itself. It will build its own forms of
expression quite naturally, if you will allow it, and save you a great deal of
needless anxiety. What you really want is expansion in a certain direction,
whether of health, wealth or what not, and so long as you get it—as you surely
will, if you confidently hold to your
does it matter whether it reaches by some channel which you thought you could
count upon, or through some other of whose existence you had no idea. You are
concentrating energy of a particular kind for a particular purpose. Keep this
in mind and let specific details take care of themselves.
And another important truth to remember is it takes some time to
actualize our mind pictures. So the process of mind picturing which we desire to carry out
must be continued for a sufficient length of time to give the creative processes
the opportunity to make our desired things into realities. Meanwhile we must not change ideas or plans at too frequent
intervals for such changes will neutralize what has been gained thus far and
here is the place where a great many people fail. The average person who wishes
to change his life for the better does not hold on to his ideals long enough;
that is, he does not give them a fair chance to work themselves out and bring
the expected results.
can never exhaust the mind powers. So we can form mental pictures of as many
ideals as we like. But at first it is best to choose only a few. Keep the
selected few pictures constantly before your mind. Train yourself to actually
live for those pictures. And you will find all things in your life changing daily
to become more and more like those pictures. In the course of time you will
realize in actual life the exact likeness of those pictures; that is, what you
have constantly pictured upon your mind you will realize in actual life. Then
you can form new and more beautiful pictures to be realized in like manner as
you build for a still greater future.
be continued …)
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