Wednesday, April 3, 2013

When life is falling apart …

There are times in your life
Fate may be a stabbing knife
World may crumble around you
Nothing to hope in your view
You may feel lost in the storm
You may fear for coming harm
Never lose heart, be real tough
Do not consent to give it up!

Remember to stand very tall                    
Never have fear of fall
Do not try to walk away                                        
Have inner strength to stay
Every challenge helps you grow
Every storm strengthens your soul
Always face the trials at hand
Start from place where you stand!

Begin afresh and take your step
Sometimes it may be baby step
Sometimes it may be giant step
But make it sure a forward step
Take up the task, work for the best
Shake your doubt, lay it to rest
When losing people always flee
You’ll be where you want to be!

-      N.Ganeshan

(This poem received I prize in a competition conducted by our bank magazine “Vijaya Vikas”)

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