Psychometry is a form of extra-sensory perception characterized by the ability to make relevant associations from an object of unknown history by making physical contact with that object. It is the art of interpreting the psychic vibrations contained in objects. Sometimes referred to as "psychic touch," it is the ability to read an object's history or the history of those who may have handled it. While it deals most often with the past, it may often reflect present states as well. It is often used in cases of missing persons. The psychic reader can touch an object the person has worn or touched, usually an article of clothing, to get intuitive impressions of the person’s whereabouts.
Through psychometry one can describe not only the events of a person's life, but also how the person is feeling, thinking and reacting to these events. In order to receive clear information, the object should belong to and have been worn only by the person getting the reading. Many consider psychometry to be closely related to the concept of the Akashic Records, which is a sort of universal filing system that records every occurring thought, word, and action by impressing a record on a subtle substance called "akasha."
In the early 1920s, Gustav Pagenstecher, a German doctor and psychical researcher, observed psychometric abilities in one of his patients, who could describe sights, sounds, and feelings about an object's "experience." Pagenstecher theorized that objects had experiential vibrations which the psychometrist could access. This vibrational theory is the one that intrigues researchers the most. There also appears to be a certain scientific basis for such a theory, as all matter on a sub-atomic level exists as vibrations or waves.
Stephan Ossowiecki: Born in Russia in 1877, Ossowiecki claimed several psychic abilities, including aura reading and psychokinesis. Ossowiecki was well-known for being able to perceive the contents of sealed envelopes. It was claimed that he perceived the ideas of handwritten letters, but was unable to do so if a statement were typed or printed. Ossowiecki was also tested at the University of Warsaw, where he produced apparently accurate information about the detailed lives of prehistoric humans by holding a 10,000 year old flint tool. After the Nazis invaded Poland, Ossowiecki used his abilities to help people find out what had happened to their loved ones, by holding a photograph of the missing person. He refused to accept payment for these services. Ossowiecki died before the end of the war, having accurately predicted such a thing would happen.
This power is also used to solve a murder or other police cases and the experts are called “psychic detectives”. In Europe, there was a well-known psychic detective named Gerald Croiset, who was accredited with solving numerous murder cases. Croiset claims that throughout his childhood, he experienced numerous psychic encounters. He was able to tell the life history of those he came in contact with, just by touching one of their belongings. While visiting the shop, he picked up a ruler and was overtaken with an overload of images that he felt belonged to the watchmaker. After engaging in a conversation with the watchmaker, he was correct in assuming that the visions he experienced were from the watchmaker’s time as a youth.
Croiset first helped the police with his abilities in 1949 when he was asked to describe what was contained inside two sealed boxes just by touching them alone. Not only did he describe the contents, but also stated detailed information regarding the crime scene. The police were impressed and decided to call upon him for assistance with future dilemmas. Croiset’s visions and descriptions were able to locate lost daughters, apprehend murderers, as well as lead police to additional clues of a crime case.
He achieved one more notable success when invited to Tokyo, Japan in the 1970s to locate a missing child. Within 24 hours he had provided a description of the location in which her body could be found, and when her body was found after following his instructions, all details seemed to match exactly. But it should be mentioned that his reputation became tarnished in his later years by his well publicized failures.
Though Psychometry is hard to believe for some people, there is evidence to show that some sort of mental power does exist. Joseph Rodes Buchanan said “The Past is entombed in the Present! The world is its own enduring monument; and that which is true of its physical, is likewise true of its mental career. The discoveries of Psychometry will enable us to explore the history of man, as those of geology enable us to explore the history of the earth. There are mental fossils for psychologists as well as mineral fossils for the geologists; and I believe that hereafter the psychologist and the geologist will go hand in hand — the one portraying the earth, its animals and its vegetation, while the other portrays the human beings who have roamed over its surface in the shadows, and the darkness of primeval barbarism! Aye, the mental telescope is now discovered which may pierce the depths of the past and bring us in full view of the grand and tragic passages of ancient history”
- N.Ganshan
Very nice flow.Good article